It's all about English today... and tomorrow... and the day after... and the day after........
This is my very first article in my very new blog!!!! I feel really excited!!!!
Many have already asked me what's the point of this blog? Well, I want to share my experience, my point of view concerning teaching English as a foreign language!!! The aim of this blog is to help, through my experience, as many teachers as possible.
The whole idea came to my mind when I got a job in an English language school, a frondistirio as we call them in Greece. There I realized that even though I was qualified to teach, I had both the experience and the knowledge , yet there were some issues that I was unaware of.
The point is the newly arrived-in-the-profession teachers to find useful tools and tips! However, I would also like the experienced ones to find in my blog something, anything, that they will characterize it as a very-fresh-let's-try-it idea!!
So let's all enjoy our summer holidays, but, stay tuned...!!!